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Our world has COMPLETELY changed – in a matter of months, from something so incredibly microscopic! We didn’t see COVID-19 coming, and it snuck in like a thief in the night – unexpectedly! Now, the world’s stopped – and it’s very uncomfortable.

How does the world cope with such a sudden, drastic, life-changing event?

Well, some have chosen to cope by panicking and stocking up on mounds of toilet paper (toilet paper?!), others deal by pretending nothing is happening, others downplay it, and others cope by taking it one day at a time – with faith in God and His control.

While there are many different ways to manage this change emotionally, the best way we should be coping is to find a balance between panic and taking it one day at a time, trusting God. This balance requires us to be aware, prepared, and to take safety precautions very seriously! How WE cope, could save those who are at high risk for COVID-19. Panicking and not listening to warnings of social distancing is not going to keep them safe!

Our world has entered a new “normal,,” and we can look at this new normal as only a negative thing, or we can choose to look at it as a lesson and opportunity for our world, ourselves, and our relationships with each other and God. Why not make a positive out of a negative/lemonade out of sour lemons?

Below are 4 blessings we can see in this new normal:

Photo by Paul Zoetemeijer on Unsplash

Closer to God

The most important blessing that we the world should choose to see in all of this new change is our relationship with God! This virus has made all of us stand at attention and realize we are literally powerless to fix it! Some of us believe that the world and science can heal this, but those of us who know God know who is really in control and who can fix it – if He chooses to!

God knew this was going to happen before we ever did, and that’s such an incredible comfort! Those who already know God see His astonishing power in all of this! They understand how God is using His communion of saints to come closer together in a way like never before! We may not be able to be in a physical church building for our Sunday worship, but we can feel the closeness of communion virtually – and that is certainly better than nothing!

This sad, terrifying situation has brought many people closer to God – praying for Him to heal this sick world, to heal loved ones, to bless them with comfort and peace, and to just be there for them.

Ever More Reminded of Easter and Christ’s Resurrection

We’ve also been made more aware of just how weak and fragile we are. Because of Christ and His death on the cross, we are saved from our sins, and cherished! We see His promises more and that He cares for us and loves us. He doesn’t promise to answer our prayers the way we expect or need, but He does promise to be there for us and is always the same! God never changes, even when our world has!

More Intentional Time Spent with Loved Ones

Since the world has changed so incredibly much recently, many families and loved ones have been spending more time with each other! Why? Because they have literally nothing else to do! This tragic event of COVID-19, while it is very terrible, bodes a blessing in the chance to spend more time with those that we love – intentionally.

It amazes me how creative people have become when push comes to shove in our world – when it comes to trying new things with their families and loved ones to help them bide the time in isolation or lockdown. When the world was the way it was before, families and loved ones were always busy, scurrying around for the next “high” or happy fix, busting their mind and bodies at work, wasting their time and wishing they had more time.

Now that we have been forced to pause and be home with our loved ones, many of us have become grateful for this incredible and rare opportunity and are enjoying it immensely! A lot of the world has found their new “high,” focus, and commitment in what truly matters – spending time with loved ones, intentionally! Truly a blessing!

Renewed Relationships

The “new normal” has many people looking to renew their relationships with people they put aside before all of this occurred. Such a traumatic and uncertain event brings many people to an awareness of how short life is – and this swiftly encourages people to try to mend broken relationships. What an incredible blessing and lesson in forgiveness that has been for others!

Easter and Resurrection Encourage Renewal and Rebirth

This Easter, we are again reminded of how Christ died for us, His children – how He sacrificed Himself because He loves us! This Good Friday, we are also told of Jesus’ resurrection so that WE could be reborn!

How much more should we strive to do the same? To sacrifice our bitterness and anger towards loved ones and try to renew our relationships with them?

We are commanded to forgive those who fix their ways, and when the world comes crashing down, we are ever more humbled to do this and to move forward in life, in peace and love, forgiving the past. Forgiveness is a process and doesn’t happen overnight, but with a spirit of forgiveness, we can accomplish this! Also, while some relationships may not be repairable, we should still always try to forgive – as Christ does!

More Stillness

Have you noticed that ever since the world stood still, that we all have fewer appointments, fewer chances to travel for work, and less stress to be everyone and do all the things? While this world has been dramatically and negatively affected by COVID-19, there is another blessing to be felt in this – a blessing of stillness and peace.

We don’t have a lot of the same obligations and commitments we had before this new normal hit our world – no soccer practices, no dentist appointments, no traveling for work, no rush to get kids on the bus, and so much more!

In fact, this is a time for the world to enjoy the break its been given!
So, enjoy this time of not needing to do it all! You have no other choice, so why not choose to see it as a blessing?

Take this opportunity to read more, to dance until your heart is content, to write that book you keep saying you’re going to publish someday! Take this quiet time to listen to music or your favorite podcast more, to play board games with family and loved ones (this can also be done virtually!), to try your hand at painting, to sort through all of your photos and put them in frames for your home, to learn some yoga – and so much more!

Studies have shown that when you take more time to do the things you love to do (not have to do!), you can become happier!

Enjoy this stillness and plethora of new opportunities because you don’t know how long this “new normal” will last. And please, let’s be careful to never take it for granted!

Use this New Normal to Grow and Transform Your Life

You can choose to worry about the future, you can choose to worship fear and not trust God, you can choose to miss being busy and more – but why would you when you can CHOOSE to see the blessings in the storm we’re going through?!

Use this new normal, even though it’s so uncomfortable and terrifying, to grow and transform your life to be a better child of God, daughter, mother, son, father, grandparent, leader, and more! The opportunity is NOW – allow it to CHANGE you for the better!

Share in the comments below: What is ONE blessing that you have seen in this world’s new normal?